Monthly Archives: May 2021

What Can Cause Your Car to Smell Like Rotten Eggs?

What Can Cause Your Car to Smell Like Rotten Eggs?

Cars aren't really supposed to give off potent smells. Maybe at most, they can produce smokey fumes, as well as the faint odor of gas. But what about if your vehicle starts to smell like rotten eggs while running? This sulfur smell is never meant to be considered normal. So if this is happening to you, it is a sign that you probably should have your vehicle inspected. If you're reading this article, you're most likely dealing with this issue at the moment and wondering what exactly is causing this annoying smell, so let's begin. Source of the smell Most often suspected of causing this kind of smell is the vehicle's catalytic converter. The catalytic converter is one of the components that make up your car's emissions system. In a nutshell, this converter does precisely that; it converts harmful emissions like exhaust gases into more harmless emissions. This harmless gas, known as sulfur dioxide, is completely odorless. When a catalytic converter fails to do it ... read more