Monthly Archives: May 2022

Do I Need a Brake Fluid Flush?

Do I Need a Brake Fluid Flush?

The braking system serves the vital role of helping you slow down and stop your vehicle. Most of the time, it is a hydraulic system that transmits pressure once you apply pressure onto the brake pedal. The harder you press, the quicker your vehicle will be able to slow down. None of this can happen without the brake fluid.   Brake fluid is the substance that sends the pressure to engage your brakes. It also lubricates the moving parts and protects them against corrosion. When problems with the brake fluid occur, your entire braking system will become less effective. You’ll need to bleed or flush the fluid to restore its performance.  Brake Bleeding vs Brake Fluid Flush Bleeding the Brakes – If your brake pedals feel spongy or loose, it usually calls for bleeding of the brakes. Air is brake fluid’s worst enemy. Brake bleeding service is the process of removing any trapped air within the system using a bleed screw. Brake Flush – The brake flush is a ... read more